Profiles - Dr. Droid


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Copyright © 2002

Doctor Droid (Otto Maton)

Height: N/A

Weight: N/A

Once a mechanical engineer, Otto Maton grew to love machines so much that he started replacing parts of his own body with mechanics. Now as much of an android as he is human, Dr. Droid lives to liberate his mechanical 'brothers' from their lives of slavery to organic life. That goal also means destroying all living things! The Ducks first met Dr. Droid in his attempt to create an army of robots to exterminate humanity. After that plan failed, he resurfaced when he stole Drake 1's own CPU chip, building a computer to help him control all machines, and use them to his will.

Status: Unknown. The Ducks have destroyed Droid's body, but his head escaped. This happened the first time that they defeated Dr. Droid, and he resurfaced to cause them more trouble.

Profiles - Dr. Droid