Profiles - Phil Pomfeather


- The Good Guys
- The Bad Guys
- Other Characters
- Cast and Credits
- Official Press
- Tour the Pond - Episode Guide - Did You Know?

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- Coloring Book
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Copyright © 2002

Phil Pomfeather

Phil was one of the first humans to see the Ducks upon their reaching Earth, and they scared him out of his wits! At the time, he was the recently-fired manager of the Anaheim Mighty Frogs, a hockey team that had left town for greener pastures in Hoboken, New Jersey. Upon seeing the way the Ducks could play the sport, he immediately signed them up as the NHL's newest team.

Phil's management skills are focused only on money, and he'll shuffle the team off to as many ridiculous publicity stunts as he possibly can. His greedy nature is not only annoying, it's gotten the team in serious trouble on a few occasions. But for all of his drawbacks, Phil does a great job in taking care of the fiscal end of running the team, leaving the Ducks free to fight crime, full time.

Profiles - Phil Pomfeather