Profiles - Stanley Strazinski


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Copyright © 2002

Stanley Strazinski

Stanley used to be the eyesore of the NHL, referred to with the common label of "goon". Strazinski was a member of the Polar Bears team, and feared for his unsportsmanlike conduct and sheer strength. However, the one team that he was never able to intimidate was the Ducks, and this frustrated him to no end.

Capitalizing on this hatred, Dragaunus offered Strazinski the power to defeat the Ducks, and used his DNA accelerator to transform him into a hulking monster. With his mind clouded by thoughts of destruction, Stanley rampaged through the Pond during the next game, beating up anyone that got in his way, including the Pond's announcer! Stanley's warpath ended when Grin was finally able to get through to him, and make him see that hockey was about sportsmanship and fair play.

Enraged again by what Dragaunus had done to him, Stanley helped the team to defeat the Saurian once again, and ruin a plan that he had running the entire time. Stanley returned to his normal form, and instead of going back to his team, he became a referee to enforce fair games among the league's players.

Profiles - Stanley Strazinski