Profiles - Vinnius P. Viper


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Copyright © 2002

Vinnius P. Viper

Height: N/A

Weight: N/A

Vinnius Viper is the dark, snake-loving owner of Vipertronics, a multi-million dollar electronics company. When he allied with Dragaunus, he attempted to buy out the Pond, to no avail. However, much more sinister plans lay in store in the future, where Viper would help Dragaunus construct a Super-Raptor, capable of conquering the world in a single day. He also genetically melded himself with his snakes, becoming the ruler of the Earth after Dragaunus left to conquer other planets. However, his plans for world domination were smashed when the Ducks were transported into the future, and learned of a weak spot in the Super-Raptor's structure. Destroying the machine only seconds after it was airborne, Viper and Dragaunus were both defeated.

Status: Unknown. In the present, there is evidence of Vipertronic technology in some of Dragaunus's schemes, although it is unclear just how much the two are working together.

Profiles - Vinnius P. Viper