Profiles - B.R.A.W.N


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B.R.A.W.N. is a powerful, gold-colored robot. His full designation is a Bounty Robotics Assault and Weapons Negotiator. Several of his make and model were given the mission of watching over the Saurians while they were in the prison of dimensional limbo. One particular B.R.A.W.N. was assigned to monitor Dragaunus specifically, and managed to follow him to Earth. This robot is the one thing that uncovers fear in the Saurian Overlord's heart. His tactical combat skills are unmatched, and he is armed to the teeth.

Dragaunus managed to reprogram B.R.A.W.N., and turn him on the Ducks. However, they were able to reverse his programming to normal, and teach him some moral aspects of war that weren't originally in his databanks.

In the end, the lesson that the Ducks taught B.R.A.W.N. ended up being a lifesaver. The robot sacraficed all but his head to save the team, and Anaheim, from a gigantic explosion. His head, which contains his programmed personality and CPU chip, still reside in the Pond. B.R.A.W.N.'s nature is surprisingly innocent for a robot programmed to carry out wars. His chatty nature can be grating, but Tanya has found his capabilities to be very useful, and has enhanced Drake 1 with them.

Profiles - B.R.A.W.N.