Drake Rockfeather


Drake Rockwing woke up one morning and found himself somewhere he'd never

seen before. He assumed this was because he had been drinking the night

before, and had stumbled across some new part of forrest on Puckworld. Fact

was, he had tripped over a stray dimentional gateway and was now on a

forrest -- on Earth.


Drake had arrived on Earth about 2 months before the ducks, and before

Dragonas had wreaked havoc on Puckworld. Contact with humans was miminal

because he had only explored a few kilometres in either direction and found

himself in what looked like a baren but beautiful valey between mountains in

what was British Colombia, in Canada. He camped and lived a rustic sort of

lifestyle, until one day he came across some railroad tracks. It was late at

night and the rails glowed bright in the moonlight. He folowed these until

he reached a rather small town with a centralized population and it wasn't

until he walked past a window with people inside that he reailized that this

place where he was was NOT Puckworld. Terrofied by the alien species he saw

(Humans) he fled off in another direction but triped over a pothole and

smashed his head on a rock.


The next day he woke up in a local hospital with a nurse at his side dobing

a cut on his forhead. She explained he had cut himself but not too badly and

it would heal within a few days, no stiches needed. "We only thought there

were 6 Mighty Ducks, plus that Dino-chick Zelda [Sorry, I couldn't resist

:^)  ] but I guess we were wrong!". Drake, still grogy from his awakening,

decided to play along and see where it took him. "We've contacted the ducks

and they've sent one on their way to pick you up. They seemed almost like

they'd never heard of you, as if you'd just dropped in from another

dimension, eh?!"



These characters exist in the fanfict that is written by their creators and/or collaberative stories between them and I. They are property of their creators, and their profiles are written by them.